WP Staging Pro Nulled (v5.7.1) One Click Solution for Creating Staging Sites +Addons

WP Staging Pro Nulled One Click Solution for Creating Staging Sites +Addons a powerful WordPress plugin designed to create staging environments for your website. These environments are essential for testing changes, updates, and new features without affecting the live site. By providing a safe space to experiment and troubleshoot, WP Staging Pro ensures that your website remains stable and user-friendly. In this blog post, we will explore the features and benefits of WP Staging Pro, identify its ideal users, weigh its pros and cons, and compare it with other popular alternatives.

Free Download

Maintaining a WordPress website involves regular updates, plugin installations, and design changes. However, making these changes directly on a live site can be risky, potentially causing downtime or broken features. WP Staging Pro addresses this challenge by allowing website owners to create a duplicate of their site in a staging environment. This tool is invaluable for developers, designers, and website administrators who need to ensure that updates and changes are thoroughly tested before going live. This blog post will delve into the specifics of WP Staging Pro Free Download One Click Solution for Creating Staging Sites +Addons, highlighting its key features and advantages.

1. Features and Customization Options

WP Staging Pro offers a comprehensive set of features designed to simplify the process of creating and managing staging environments. Some of the standout features include:

  • One-Click Cloning: The plugin allows users to create a complete clone of their website with just one click. This includes all files, databases, themes, and plugins.
  • Selective Cloning: Users can choose specific parts of their site to clone, such as the database or certain folders. This flexibility is useful for testing specific changes without duplicating the entire site.
  • Push Changes to Live: Once testing is complete, WP Staging Pro enables users to push changes from the staging site to the live site seamlessly. This feature ensures that the live site is updated without any disruptions.
  • User Authentication: The plugin includes robust security measures, ensuring that only authorized users can access the staging site.
  • Multisite Support: WP Staging Pro supports WordPress multisite installations, making it a versatile tool for network administrators managing multiple sites.
  • Customizable Settings: Users can customize various settings, such as excluding certain files or tables from the cloning process, to tailor the staging environment to their needs.

2. Enhancing Website Management

WP Staging Pro Nulled significantly enhances website management by providing tools that streamline the process of testing and implementing changes. Some ways WP Staging Pro enhances website management include:

  • Risk-Free Testing: By creating a staging environment, users can test updates, new plugins, and design changes without risking the stability of their live site. This ensures that any issues can be identified and resolved before they impact visitors.
  • Improved Workflow: The ability to push changes from the staging site to the live site streamlines the workflow for developers and designers. This feature reduces the time and effort required to implement updates and minimizes the risk of errors.
  • Enhanced Security: WP Staging Pro’s user authentication and selective cloning features enhance the security of the staging environment, ensuring that sensitive data is protected.
  • Efficiency for Multisite Networks: For network administrators managing multiple WordPress sites, WP Staging Pro simplifies the process of maintaining and updating each site, improving overall efficiency.

3. Simplifying Site Maintenance

Maintaining a WordPress website can be complex, but WP Staging Pro simplifies this process through its user-friendly features and comprehensive functionality. Some ways the plugin simplifies site maintenance include:

  • Easy Cloning Process: The one-click cloning feature makes it easy for users of all skill levels to create a staging environment. This reduces the learning curve and ensures that the tool is accessible to non-technical users.
  • Detailed Documentation: WP Staging Pro comes with detailed documentation and support, guiding users through the setup and customization process. This resource is invaluable for troubleshooting and maximizing the plugin’s capabilities.
  • Automated Backups: The plugin includes automated backup options, ensuring that users have a secure copy of their site before making any changes. This feature adds an extra layer of protection and peace of mind.
  • Customizable Exclusions: Users can exclude specific files, folders, or database tables from the cloning process, allowing for more efficient and targeted testing.

Who is it Ideal For?

WP Staging Pro is ideal for a wide range of WordPress users looking to enhance their website management and maintenance processes. It is particularly beneficial for:

  1. Developers: Developers who need a safe environment to test new features, updates, and plugins before deploying them to the live site.
  2. Designers: Designers who want to experiment with new designs and layouts without disrupting the user experience on the live site.
  3. Website Administrators: Administrators responsible for maintaining multiple WordPress sites who need an efficient way to manage updates and changes.
  4. E-commerce Store Owners: Online store owners who need to ensure that new features, plugins, and updates do not interfere with the functionality of their site and impact sales.

Pros and Cons


  1. One-Click Cloning: Simplifies the process of creating a staging environment.
  2. Selective Cloning: Allows users to clone specific parts of their site for targeted testing.
  3. Push Changes to Live: Streamlines the process of implementing updates from staging to live.
  4. User Authentication: Enhances security by restricting access to the staging site.
  5. Multisite Support: Ideal for managing multiple WordPress sites.


  1. Learning Curve: Initial setup and customization may require some time to fully understand.
  2. Cost: The premium features come with a price, which may be a consideration for smaller websites or individual users.
  3. Compatibility Issues: Potential conflicts with certain themes or plugins may require troubleshooting.
  4. Resource Intensive: Cloning large sites can be resource-intensive and may require a robust hosting environment.

Comparing WP Staging Pro with Popular Alternatives

1. Duplicator Pro

Duplicator Pro is a popular plugin for cloning and migrating WordPress sites. While it offers robust cloning and backup features, WP Staging Pro provides a more seamless experience for creating staging environments and pushing changes to live sites.

2. BackupBuddy

BackupBuddy is a comprehensive backup solution for WordPress. It includes features for site migration and staging, but WP Staging Pro offers more advanced options for selective cloning and managing multisite networks.

3. All-in-One WP Migration

All-in-One WP Migration is a user-friendly plugin for migrating WordPress sites. While it is easy to use and supports various migration scenarios, WP Staging Pro offers more targeted staging features and better integration with multisite networks.

4. WP Migrate DB Pro

WP Migrate DB Pro is designed for database migration and synchronization. While it excels at managing database changes, WP Staging Pro provides a more comprehensive solution for creating full-site staging environments and managing updates.,

Free Download

WP Staging Pro Free Download is a powerful and versatile plugin designed to enhance the website management and maintenance processes for WordPress users. Its comprehensive features, user-friendly interface, and advanced customization options make it an ideal choice for developers, designers, website administrators, and e-commerce store owners. While there are several popular alternatives available, WP Staging Pro stands out for its one-click cloning, selective cloning, and push-to-live features. Whether you are looking to test new updates, experiment with design changes, or manage multiple sites, WP Staging Pro provides the tools needed to ensure a smooth and secure website management experience.


5.7.1 Release June 10, 2024

Fix: Unable to restore backup when it contains many files, 
which requires extracting in multiple requests. #3477

5.7.0 Release June 6, 2024

New: Compatible up to WordPress 6.5.4
New: Automatic login to staging site after initial creation by creating a temporary login. #3198
New: Add option to run backup in background without keeping browser open. #3286
Security: Sanitize parameters in remote storage settings to prevent possible path traversal and executing of potential malicious code. #3461
Enh: Add support for Wordfence 2FA authentication in the WP Staging login form. #3358
Enh: Refactor dropbox and google drive sign in buttons. (Pro) #3405
Enh: Reducing plugin size by minifying js and css files and removing map files. #3279
Enh: Redesign plugin deactivation feedback form. #3000
Enh: Hide sensitive values in system info. #3447
Fix: Improve reliability and robustness of the background processor: Stalled actions will automatically be cancelled if they are in processing state for more than 15 mins. #3454
Fix: Backup by URl throws error “Invalid backup file content”. #3404
Fix: Standalone restorer randomly terminated while restoring large files. #3348
Fix: The backup version of WP Staging Restore is not up to date. #3425
Fix: Refactor the contact form. New default options for sending backup log files and accepting privacy policy. #3370
Fix: Ensure listing of remote backups and uploading of local backups to cloud storage works correctly. #3434
Fix: Hide sensitive fields (secret key, access key…) in backup storages settings. #3389
Fix: Don’t optimize the .htaccess as default any longer if server is litespeed. Revert to old behavior by using the filter wpstg.create_litespeed_server_config. #3409
Fix: Table Renaming Task fails during Restore and Push if database prefix contains capital letter(s) and database is hosted on Windows based OS system i.e. Microsoft Azure. #3372
Fix: Disconnect google drive account if it fails to refresh access token. #3388
Fix: Cloud storage options are overlapped by other elements. #3343
Fix: Don’t load and list remote backup for dropbox as it is not supported yet. (Pro) #3407
Dev: Refactor BackupValidateTask to BackupSignerTask to match the action it does. Also move the signer related logic to separate service. #3367
Dev: Add pre-requisite code for a new faster and more secure backup format. #2915
Dev: Add option in UI to validate backup files during backup creation. #3368
Dev: Auto eslint js files and format scss files during make watch. #3398
Dev: Add phpcs rule to make each file ends with only one empty line. #3390
Dev: Replace rollup-plugin-postcss with rollup-plugin-styles to have better control over source maps. #3429


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