Aiomatic v2.0.9 Nulled Automatic AI Content Writer & Editor, GPT-3 & GPT-4, ChatGPT ChatBot & AI Toolkit

Welcome to the world of Aiomatic Nulled, the all-in-one AI-powered WordPress plugin designed and nurtured by Szabi. What started as a humble AI post generator has blossomed into a comprehensive suite of AI tools that are set to redefine your WordPress experience. In this post, we’ll delve into the evolution, features, and capabilities of Aiomatic, your partner in revolutionizing content creation and management on your WordPress site.

Overview: Evolution of Aiomatic from Post Generator to Comprehensive AI Toolkit

In its infancy, Aiomatic began as a simple AI post generator, allowing users to create content using basic methods. However, with dedicated effort and continuous improvement, Aiomatic has transformed into a powerful toolkit with a myriad of functionalities. Today, it stands as a robust plugin offering a range of features, from AI-generated content creation to advanced content editing and AI chatbot capabilities.

  • Recommended: WordPress Automatic Plugin Nulled


Let’s explore the diverse range of features that Aiomatic brings to the table:

  1. AI Post Creation:

    • Single AI post creator for individual posts.
    • Bulk AI post creator with multiple content generation methods.
    • Automatic content editor for seamless updates.
  2. AI Chatbot:

    • Fully customizable AI chatbot with different personas (name, role, avatar).
    • Use on the front end or back end of your site for interactive experiences.
  3. AI Content Generation:

    • Create engaging content such as negative or positive product reviews, dialogues, commentaries, and more.
    • AI-generated content can be used to update older posts or create new, fresh content.
  4. Integration with AiomaticAPI, OpenAI’s GPT-3 & GPT-4, and Microsoft Azure:

    • Ideal for auto-blogging and automatic post publishing or updating.
    • Users can choose between AiomaticAPI, OpenAI, or Microsoft Azure for content generation.
    • Direct integration with OpenAI API, eliminating the need for third-party services and reducing costs.
  5. AI Playground:

    • Fine-tuning options for AI.
    • Embeddings and AI shortcodes for customization.
    • Detailed statistics to track AI usage and performance.
  6. AI SEO Tool:

    • AI suggestions for enhanced search engine optimization.
    • Usage limitations and logs for monitoring AI content usage.
    • Graphs to visualize AI performance and impact on SEO.
  7. AI Form Creator:

    • Generate forms with AI capabilities for enhanced functionality.
    • Create engaging and interactive forms for user interaction.
  8. AI Text Moderator:

    • Utilize AI for content moderation, ensuring user-generated content meets standards.
    • Automate the process of monitoring and filtering text content.
  9. AI Audio-to-Text Converter:

    • Convert audio files to text using AI technology.
    • Easily transcribe podcasts, interviews, or other audio content.
  10. Stable Diffusion Images:

    • Create stable diffusion images for captivating visuals.
    • Enhance your content with AI-generated images for increased engagement.

What Can You Do With Aiomatic?

Aiomatic opens up a world of possibilities for your WordPress site:

  • Auto-Blogging: Turn your website into an auto-blogging machine with AI-generated content.
  • Automatic Post Publishing: Streamline the process of publishing new posts with AI-generated content.
  • Content Updating: Easily update older posts with fresh, relevant AI content.
  • AI Chatbot Interaction: Engage visitors with a customizable AI chatbot, adding personality and interactivity.
  • Enhanced SEO: Use AI suggestions to improve search engine optimization and increase visibility.
  • Content Moderation: Automate content moderation with AI text moderation tools.
  • Interactive Forms: Create AI-powered forms for user engagement and interaction.
  • Audio-to-Text Conversion: Transcribe audio content into text effortlessly using AI technology.

Conclusion: Embracing Aiomatic – Your Path to AI-Powered WordPress Success

In conclusion, Aiomatic is not just a plugin; it’s a visionary tool crafted to elevate your WordPress experience. With its roots in AI content generation, Aiomatic has evolved into a multifaceted toolkit designed to meet the diverse needs of website owners. From creating compelling content to enhancing SEO, moderating text, and engaging visitors with AI chatbots, Aiomatic offers a comprehensive solution.

When you choose Aiomatic, you’re not just installing a plugin; you’re gaining a partner committed to enhancing your WordPress journey. The plugin’s integration with AiomaticAPI, OpenAI’s GPT-3 & GPT-4, and Microsoft Azure provides flexibility and power. Whether you’re an auto-blogger, content creator, or website owner seeking efficiency and innovation, Aiomatic is your all-in-one solution.

Welcome to a new era of AI-generated content and seamless WordPress management. Embrace Aiomatic and unlock the full potential of AI for your website today!


Version 2.0.9 Release Date 2024-06-27
1. Added the ability to mark posts as edited / not edited in bulk
2. Added the ability to change Aiomatic edited status on single posts, in Gutenberg and also in the Classic Editor
3. Update to match latest Stable Diffusion models and engines - added stable-diffusion-ultra, stable-diffusion-3-0-medium, stable-diffusion-3-0-turbo and stable-diffusion-3-0-large
4. The 'text' API endpoint now displays input/output tokens, in the input_tokens and output_tokens response fields
5. Added a 'Download' button next to the result in AI Image Forms, to save generated images locally to user's computer
6. Added a 'Copy' button next to the result in AI Text Forms, to copy generated text to the clipboard
7. Made the 'Show Advanced Form Options For Users' and 'Show WP Rich Text Editor Input For Form AI Results' available for each AI Form separately
8. AI Forms styling related fixes
Version 2.0.8 Release Date 2024-06-21
1. Added claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 - Anthropic's new flagship model, whith best capabilities and also with reduced price
2. Added support for Ollama local LLM, which will allow you to run open-source large language models (LLMs) locally on your machine, which can be used also in Aiomatic, for free!
3. Added a new 'Bulk AI Post Creator' to create Listicle articles
4. NeuronWriter OmniBlock, added support for entities listing
5. Complete usage reset on UMP plan upgrade downgrade and renewal
6. Added the ability to define different PDF upload page count for different membership levels (from the 'Limits and Statistics' menu)
7. Added the ability to filter 'AI Usage Limits' by user ID - allows setting a total token count generated per time period for each individual user
8. Added the ability to delete usage logs for a selected user name - this adds also the ability to manually do credit refills for select users
9. Created a public API provided by Aiomatic - you can list AI models, generate text, images and embeddings using Aiomatic's REST API
Version 2.0.7 Release Date 2024-06-15
1. Added the ability to add multiple global chatbots to the site, based on different filtering rules - from the 'Global Chatbots' AI Chatbot tab (example: add a chatbot to a specific category, another chatbot to another category, etc.)
2. Global chatbot injection rules for the default global chatbot, to filter when the globally injected chatbot will appear, by: WordPress Content (categories, post types), Languages, User Roles, URL, Devices, Operating Systems, Browsers, IP Addresses
3. Remove pre code tags which were frequently added by the AI writer
4. Added the ability to reorder and move rules up/down in Bulk AI Post Creator and OmniBlock
5. Added to the 'Single AI Post Creator' the ability to create Custom Fields using AI generated content
6. Added the ability to create External WooCommerce products from Amazon Product Review menu (Bulk AI Post Creators)
7. Added the ability to set a sound effect when a message is sent in the chatbot and another sound effect when a message is received
8. Added the ability to set a custom chatbot shortcode to be displayed when the chatbot is globally injected to the website (customize globally added chatbot)
9. Added the ability to add custom CSS to chatbots
10. Added the ability to set a response delay for the chatbot responses - which can also be set to random (to simulate human writing)
11. Added the ability to rate limit chatbot message count (set max message count for a specific time frame, in seconds)
12. Fixed Amazon product direct importing, to match latest changes
13. Added the ability to add a custom ElevenLabs voice ID


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