Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.26 + Addons Download

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  • File Size 4.04 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date April 23, 2024
  • Last Updated July 17, 2024

Admin Menu Editor Pro v2.26 + Addons Download


2.26 (2024-07-16)

Added a "Nav Menus" tab that lets you hide navigation menu items from roles and users. 
It supports both classic navigation menus and block-based navigation menus used by FSE themes. 
In addition to per-role settings, you can also hide menu items from all logged-
in users or all logged-out users.
Fixed a bug introduced in version 2.25 that could cause the "Redirects" tab 
to be blank in some configurations. The bug also triggered this JS error: 
" is not a function".
Fixed a WooCommerce conflict where two "Subscriptions" 
menu items would appear when AME was active.
Tested with WP 6.6-RC3 and WP 6.7-alpha.

2.25 (2024-07-02)

Added background color settings for submenu item hover states, both for the admin menu and for the Toolbar.
Added a background color setting for the currently active admin menu item.
Added an option to open the admin menu logo link in a new tab.
Added an option to automatically delete settings associated with missing roles and users. This only applies to certain settings, such as menu permissions and login redirects. "Missing" means that the role or user doesn’t exist on the current site, which usually happens when it has been deleted. In Multisite, it can also happen if different subsites have different roles. By default, this option is enabled on regular sites and disabled in Multisite.
Fixed a WooCommerce conflict where two "Orders" menu items would appear when AME was active.
Fixed a rare PHP warning "Undefined array key "parent" in … menu-editor-core.php".
Fixed a potential crash if the global $menu variable is not a native array but is still array-like.
Improved compatibility with old versions of UiPress.
Improved menu drag & drop from the top level to the submenu. You can now drop items anywhere in the active submenu, not just at the bottom.
Tested with WP 6.5.5.

2.24.3 (2024-05-15)

Fixed the WooCommerce admin page header staying in its old place when changing the admin menu width, the Toolbar height, or when hiding the Toolbar completely. Now the page header will be automatically moved or resized so that it’s still fully visible.
Fixed custom menu items that use the "Embed WP page" feature sometimes having different item URLs for different users or having the URL change unnecessarily. With this update, the URL will change the next time you save the admin menu, but after that it should generally stay static unless you select a different embedded page.
Fixed synced patterns (a.k.a. reusable blocks) not working when AME Pro is active and any Gutenberg blocks are hidden.
Fixed a potential PHP warning about array indexing in hide-others-posts.php when at least one of the "Hide Other Users’ Posts" options was enabled in the "Tweaks" tab.
Updated the MailPoet compatibility fix for MailPoet 4.49.1. 
Now custom admin menu colors should once again work on MailPoet’s admin pages.