(v6.2.0) Canopy Shopify Theme Nulled (July 4, 2024)

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    • Create Date September 19, 2024
    • Last Updated September 19, 2024

    (v6.2.0) Canopy Shopify Theme Nulled (July 4, 2024)

    Version 6.2.0 July 4, 2024
    We've enhanced the product page with a new image gallery popup and addressed some bugs.
    Added a new zoom mode for the product page, allowing a lightbox popup for a larger view of product images.
    Fixes and improvements
    The 'Empty cart' button in the cart drawer now correctly updates the state of product card quantity selectors.
    On the collection page, if no default image is set for a collection, it will now display the image of the first product.
    Fixed minor alignment issue with the quantity selector.
    Version 6.1.1 June 6, 2024
    Minor fixes.
    Fixes and improvements
    Correction to spacing around the mobile slideshow text.
    Fixed an issue with product image blending on mobile List view cards.
    Fixed layout issue with Product Comparison Grid.
    Version 6.1.0 June 4, 2024
    We've added a few new features based on your feedback, and included some bug fixes.
    Added support for Category metafields in the product page specifications table and product compare.
    Added a new setting to the Header section to prevent the navigation menu from hiding on scroll down.
    Added a Counter pagination layout option to the Testimonials block, useful for displaying many testimonials.
    Fixes and improvements
    Optimized the UX of navigation menus for touch screen desktop devices.
    Enhanced the UX of quantity input boxes to automatically highlight the quantity when clicked.
    Optimized the UI of mobile scrollbars for the Product Comparison Grid section.
    Improved the placement of the compare checkbox in List view product cards when viewed on mobile.
    Fixed issue with the visibility of the recover password success message.
    Fixed an issue with quantity inputs where products set to 'continue selling when out of stock' could have a maximum quantity restriction applied.
    Updated the Testimonial section pagination to wrap when necessary.
    Fixed a scroll bar issue on mobile with Promo Grid and Media Grid sections.
    Fixed a layout issue with large size chart tables on mobile.
    Fixed an issue with Quick Buy not working within account pages (applies to Featured Collection section only).
    Fixed a filtering issue when the Search & Discovery app setting 'Empty values' was set to 'Hide'.
    Fixed an issue with the Column mega menu on desktop where child links could be closed.
    Fixed an issue on the product page with image zooming when the store is shown in a right-to-left language.
    Fixed an icon alignment issue on the search page when the store is shown in a right-to-left language.
    Fixed an alignment issue with payment icons in the footer when no language/currency dropdowns are shown.
    Optimized the page loading experience on mobile for stores shown in a right-to-left language.
    Made footer copyright text more easily editable via the language editor.
    Fixed a rare blending issue with product card images on Samsung phones.
    Fixed an issue on the Slideshow section with the visibility of slide content.
    Fixed an issue with Quick Buy where a Featured Product section could be shown.
    Fixed a visual issue with the strikethrough on sale prices when supercents are used.


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