Docy (v4.0.0) Documentation and Forum WordPress Theme Nulled
4.0.0 (26 December 2024)
New: Replaced meta fields with CSF (Codestar Framework) fields for better flexibility and improved user-friendliness
New: Added an option for adding video on the page banner
New: Search Banner applied on all pages to keep design consistency
New: Parent page shows on the top of the main page title on the page banner
New: Modified date added in the Blog post details page
New: Convert ACF fields to CSF fields
New: title.php added for search banner template
New: Remove specified ACF fields and field groups if they conflict with fields created by Codestar
Tweaked: Search form now supports unlimited post types with a Theme Settings option to choose which post types content appear in search results. you can choose it from 'Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner'
Tweaked: Menu item active/hover improved
Tweaked: Remove specified ACF fields and field groups if they conflict with fields created by Codestar
Tweaked: Badge design improved
Tweaked: Comment form design improved on mobile device
Tweaked: Deleted some unnecessary meta
Tweaked: Titlebar removed
Tweaked: Multi Array opt support added in the docy_opt() function
Tweaked: Fieldset opt support added in the docy_opt function
Tweaked: Improved breadcrumb design & function
Tweaked: wooCommerce Cart, checkout page block design improved
Tweaked: Sticky tab icon style improved
Tweaked: Grouped product details page design improved
Fixed: Doc sidebar issue in single doc page on the mobile view
Fixed: Cart page table header color issue solved
Fixed: Hero focus z-index issue
Fixed: video playlist php error
Fixed: Fixed 'Hero search' widget preset 03 design
3.5.1 (21 September 2024)
New: Blog subtitle field added in the 'Theme Settings > Blog' page
New: Breadcrumb background and text color change options are added in the 'Theme Settings > Header > Breadcrumb' page
New: Search banner title and subtitle color change option added in the 'Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner' page
New: Search banner keywords color change options added in the 'Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner' page
New: Added Docy theme Congratulations notice (after you actvate the theme, you'll get a congratulations notice with some necessary link)
Tweaked: Mobile menu design improved
Tweaked: Improve Post and Page TOC on mobile view
Fixed: A PHP error fixed on line 270 in the inc/enqueue.php file
Updated: Language (docy.pot) file
3.5.0 (10 September 2024)
New: Added FAQ in Hero Search Results (You can now search for FAQ items directly from the Hero search)
New: Sidebar TOC Settings (Added Table of Contents settings in the sidebar for individual pages and posts. you can also set it globally from 'Theme Settings > General')
New: Page Subtitle option added in the 'Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner' page
New: Banner Overlay and Blur Option (Added new overlay and blur options for banners in Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner)
Tweaked: Improved hover styles for dropdown menus
Tweaked: Displayed theme settings menu in the top bar for better accessibility
Tweaked: Minor design improvement (changelog design, parent doc link color design improved)
Tweaked: Optimized video playlist widget for responsiveness and icon display
Tweaked: Improved rtl style
Tweaked: Improved hover color design for search result tabs
Tweaked: Breadcrumb bg color updated
Tweaked: Search Results Title (Tweaked the title display in the search result page for better clarity and user experience)
Fixed: Fixed icon size control conditions in the Tabs widget
Fixed: Resolved WordPress widget issues with Docy theme
Fixed: Corrected blog feature image size discrepancies