Grogin (v1.1.5) Grocery Store WooCommerce WordPress Theme Nulled
-- Fixed: Elementor v3.26.0 issue
-- Updated: WooCommerce outdated files.
-- Updated: Grogin Core plugin.
-- Added: Variations on Product Archive.
-- Added: Single Gallery 1 Column.
-- Added: Single Gallery 2 Columns.
-- Added: Single Gallery Carousel 2 Columns.
-- Added: Product Single Vertical Tab.
-- Added: Product Single Accordion Tab.
-- Added: Product Single Accordion Tab in Content.
-- Added: SKU for the product box.
-- Added: Attributes for the product Box.
-- Updated: Single Gallery.
-- Updated: Single Vertical Gallery.
-- Updated: TGM Plugin Activation.
-- Fixed: Mobile Sorting.
-- Updated: WooCommerce.
-- Updated: Grogin Core plugin.