(v2.6.0) Iconic WooCommerce Delivery Slots Nulled
2024-11-19 – version 2.6.0
updatePerformance improvements on the checkout page: Skip SQL queries when none of the time slots have a Max Order Limit
fixSelect the reserved slot on block checkout
fixBug where the date appear as one day short in the admin order table when timeslot is ASAP
fixBug where incorrect timeslot appear when address change trigger a shipping zone change too
2024-09-24 – version 2.5.0
newMake the delivery date column sortable in the admin orders screen for HPOS
fixBug where orders status would be changed to on-hold when order contains delivery slots
fixInconsistent date format showing in orders column
fixShipping method based holidays resulting in inconsistent dates output after AJAX
fixHandle error caused by invalid holiday format
2024-07-17 – version 2.4.0
updateShow popup for express payment automatically on the Order Received page
fixInvalid path for get_file_version function
fixFix issue where block based checkout fields weren’t working for the guest users