HiStudy (v2.2.0) Online Courses & Education WordPress Theme Nulled

HiStudy Online Courses & Education WordPress Theme Nulled emerges as a beacon in this landscape, offering a tailored WordPress theme specifically designed for online courses and educational websites. In this comprehensive review, we delve into the features, functionalities, and overall performance of HiStudy, exploring its suitability for various users.

Free Download

1. Feature-rich Design:

HiStudy boasts a sleek and modern design tailored to meet the needs of educational websites. Its intuitive interface and user-friendly navigation make it easy for both instructors and students to navigate through courses, lessons, and resources effortlessly. The theme offers customizable layouts, allowing users to personalize their websites according to their branding and preferences.

2. Seamless Learning Experience:

HiStudy is its focus on delivering a seamless learning experience. The theme integrates with popular learning management systems (LMS) such as LearnDash and LifterLMS, providing robust functionality for course creation, management, and delivery. With HiStudy, educators can effortlessly create interactive quizzes, assignments, and discussions to engage learners effectively.

3. Enhanced Multimedia Support:

HiStudy Online Courses & Education WordPress Theme Free Download recognizes this importance and offers extensive support for multimedia content, including videos, images, and audio files. Educators can easily embed multimedia elements into their courses, enriching the learning material and catering to different learning styles.

HiStudy is ideal for educators, trainers, and institutions looking to establish a strong online presence and deliver high-quality courses to a global audience. Whether you’re a solo instructor offering niche courses or a large educational organization with a diverse curriculum, HiStudy provides the tools and flexibility to create and manage your online learning platform effectively.


  • Seamless integration with popular learning management systems (LMS).
  • Customizable design with user-friendly interface.
  • Extensive multimedia support for enriched learning experiences.
  • Dedicated customer support and regular updates for optimal performance.


  • Limited customization options compared to some other WordPress themes.
  • Some advanced features may require additional plugins or customization.
  • Initial learning curve for users unfamiliar with WordPress and LMS platforms.

Comparing with Alternatives:

  1. Eduma – Education WordPress Theme: Eduma is a popular alternative to HiStudy, offering a wide range of features for creating and managing online courses. While both themes provide robust LMS integration and customizable designs, Eduma offers more extensive customization options out of the box, making it ideal for users with specific design requirements.
  2. Academy – Learning Management Theme: Academy focuses primarily on delivering a seamless learning experience, similar to HiStudy Nulled. However, Academy may lack some advanced customization features found in HiStudy, making it more suitable for users who prioritize simplicity and ease of use over extensive customization options.
  3. Education WP – Education WordPress Theme: Education WP shares many similarities with HiStudy, including LMS integration and multimedia support. However, HiStudy’s streamlined design and user-friendly interface set it apart, making it a preferred choice for users seeking a balance between functionality and aesthetics.
  4. WPLMS – Learning Management System for WordPress: WPLMS offers a comprehensive learning management system with a range of features for creating and managing online courses. While WPLMS provides extensive functionality, its complexity may be overwhelming for some users compared to the more intuitive interface of HiStudy.

Free Download

HiStudy Free Download emerges as a versatile and user-friendly WordPress theme tailored for online courses and educational websites. With its seamless integration with popular learning management systems, customizable design, and extensive multimedia support, HiStudy empowers educators and institutions to create engaging and immersive learning experiences for their students. While it may have some limitations compared to alternative themes, HiStudy’s focus on simplicity and functionality makes it a compelling choice for anyone looking to unlock the full potential of online education.


Version 2.2.0 – (Released on 27 June 2024)

Added: Teacher profile section hidden based on condition in course details.
Added: Condition-based profile show/hide on course details.
Added: All tutor player support added on the feature course single widget.
Fixed: Cart count issue fixed.
Fixed: comment count issue fixed on course details.
Fixed: The rating navigation issue is fixed.
Fixed: course free issue after select rating fixed.
Fixed: category-based course shows on course archive.
Fixed: author and category filter on course details.
Fixed: add to cart disappear issue on course details fixed.
Fixed: phone number required issue fixed on course details.
Fixed: "Find with Us" static text converted to dynamic on header sidebar.
Fixed: Added text field for "Find with us" text customize.
Fixed: Selected category cross removed from course details filter bar.
Fixed: The fixed rating dropdown remains open after selection.
Fixed: One user can only 1 like at a time.
Fixed: Number of products count on shop archive badge.
Fixed: Blog default layout picture added.
Fixed: Event permalink rewrite feature added on theme options.
Updated: Advance custom fields

Version 2.1.0 – (Released on 14 June 2024)

Added: Course archive card ( 6 different layouts) added.
Added: The Sponsor section was added to event details.
Added: Review control from theme options.
Added: Course archive append or override feature added (on click load more).
Fixed: The buy Now button appears after the purchase course when it updates from free to paid.
Fixed: Section title widget style added.
Fixed: List style typography and color padding control added.
Fixed: Banner widget style updated.
Fixed: Banner static widget style updated.
Fixed: Custom menu widget style updated.
Fixed: Banner slider widget style updated.
Fixed: Banner widget style updated.
Fixed: List style widget style updated.
Fixed: List style widget style updated.
Fixed: Section title widget style updated.
Fixed: Event details banner.
Fixed: Conditional featured course from course meta on course single.
Fixed: All courses appear to be issued on specific course archives (category or taxonomy).
Fixed: Event content description fixed.
Fixed: Event single breadcrumb issue fixed.
Fixed: Theme core CSS and RTL CSS validation issue fixed.
Fixed: Bestseller badge for each course issue fixed.
Fixed: Announcement, review, and Q&A not removed from admin panel issue fixed.
Fixed: Add to cart redirect issue on course variation 2 (Elementor widget).
Fixed: Scroll behavior issue.
Fixed: Review label based on count issue.

Version 2.0.0 – (Released on 5 June 2024)

Big Added: Template Library Expansion
Big Added: RTL Version
Big Added: Seamless Demo Importing
Added: Course left sidebar added
Added: Course right sidebar added
Added: Course filter issue fixed
Added: Course builder design added on details
Added: Condition My account register (based on member access)
Added: Like feature added on blog details
Added: Course details heading control added
Fixed: Lesson page next button fixed
Fixed: Load more hidden issues fixed
Fixed: Tutor LMS video player updated on course details
Fixed: Breadcrumb issue on teacher profile fixed
Fixed: Fixed Font Family issue on Frontend
Fixed: The featured author position issue
Fixed: Course not found spacing solved on course archive
Fixed: Course box space solved on course archive
Fixed: Course details style issue fixed
Improved: Performance Optimization
Added: (Important) Enhanced Licensing System: Why is registering 
HiStudy important? It is crucial for unlocking premium bundled plugins, 
accessing required plugins, and importing prebuilt demo data.


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