Perfex v3.1.6 Nulled – Powerful Open Source CRM

Businesses today thrive on effective customer relationship management (CRM) systems. These systems streamline interactions, boost productivity, and enhance customer satisfaction. Among the myriad of CRM solutions available, Perfex CRM Nulled stands out as a powerful open-source option. Developed with a deep understanding of modern business needs, Perfex offers a comprehensive suite of tools to manage leads, customers, projects, invoices, and much more.

Overview: Perfex is an open-source CRM that combines simplicity and functionality in a seamless package. Designed to be user-friendly yet feature-rich, it empowers businesses of all sizes to manage their operations efficiently. Released on CodeCanyon, Perfex has garnered widespread acclaim for its intuitive interface and robust capabilities.


1. Customer Management

Central to any CRM system is its ability to manage customer information effectively. Perfex excels in this area by providing a centralized hub for storing and accessing customer data. From basic contact details to communication history, every interaction is recorded and easily retrievable. This streamlined approach ensures that businesses have a 360-degree view of their customers, enabling personalized engagement and improved customer service.

2. Lead Management

Converting leads into loyal customers is a fundamental goal for businesses. Perfex – Powerful Open Source CRM Free Download offers a suite of tools to track leads throughout the sales pipeline. Users can capture leads, assign them to team members, set reminders, and monitor progress. With customizable stages and statuses, businesses can tailor the lead management process to fit their specific needs. This proactive approach helps in maximizing conversion rates and optimizing sales efforts.

3. Project Management

Efficient project management is crucial for delivering projects on time and within budget. Perfex includes robust project management features that simplify task delegation, progress tracking, and collaboration. Users can create projects, assign tasks, set milestones, and monitor timelines effortlessly. Additionally, the built-in discussion feature fosters seamless communication among team members, ensuring everyone is aligned towards project success.

4. Invoicing and Billing

Managing invoices and billing can be a time-consuming task for businesses. Perfex simplifies this process with its integrated invoicing module. Users can generate professional invoices, send them to clients, and track payments seamlessly. The system supports multiple payment gateways, making it convenient for clients to settle invoices online. Automated reminders for overdue payments help in improving cash flow and reducing manual follow-ups.

5. Customizable Reports

Data-driven decision-making is a hallmark of successful businesses. Perfex offers a range of customizable reports that provide valuable insights into various aspects of the business. From sales performance to project profitability, users can generate detailed reports tailored to their requirements. These reports not only facilitate informed decision-making but also aid in identifying areas for improvement and growth.

6. Email Integration

Email remains a primary communication channel for businesses, and Perfex recognizes its importance. The CRM seamlessly integrates with email clients, allowing users to send and receive emails directly within the platform. This integration ensures that all communication related to customers and projects is centralized, eliminating the need to switch between multiple applications.

7. Task Management

Efficient task management is vital for productivity, and Perfex offers a feature-rich task management system. Users can create tasks, assign them to team members, set deadlines, and track progress effortlessly. The intuitive interface makes it easy to prioritize tasks and stay organized, leading to enhanced productivity and smoother workflows.

8. Calendar and Event Management

Keeping track of appointments, meetings, and events is essential for businesses. Perfex includes a calendar feature that allows users to schedule and manage events seamlessly. With customizable event reminders and recurring event options, businesses can stay on top of their schedules. The ability to sync with popular calendar applications ensures that users have access to their schedules across devices.

9. Multi-Language Support

In today’s globalized world, language should not be a barrier to CRM adoption. Perfex offers multi-language support, allowing users to switch between languages effortlessly. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses operating in diverse regions or serving a multicultural customer base. Users can customize the language settings to suit their preferences, enhancing user experience and accessibility.

Conclusion: Perfex – Empowering Businesses for Success

In conclusion, Perfex stands out as a powerful open-source CRM solution that caters to the diverse needs of modern businesses. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive feature set, Perfex empowers businesses to streamline their operations, improve customer relationships, and boost productivity. Whether it’s managing customers, tracking leads, handling projects, invoicing clients, or analyzing data, Perfex provides a centralized platform for efficient management.

Businesses looking to enhance their CRM capabilities should consider Perfex for its flexibility, scalability, and affordability. By leveraging the myriad features offered by Perfex, organizations can gain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic market landscape. As businesses continue to prioritize customer satisfaction and operational efficiency, Perfex emerges as a valuable ally in their journey towards success.

Discover Perfex today and revolutionize the way you manage your business relationships:

With Perfex, the power to transform business relationships is at your fingertips.


Version 3.1.6 – April 28, 2024

  • Add option to auto-convert proposal to invoice after acceptance (customers-related proposals only)
  • Add an option to disallow non-admin staff to edit tickets and replies messages
  • Fix tickets content show HTML
  • Fix modules menu item badge displays HTML
  • Fix the proposal table not sorting by date created
  • Fix detailed expenses report not working
  • Fix admin-related kb articles encoding
  • Fix TinyMCE not working in modals
  • Fix delete ticket redirect to invalid link


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