Rocket LMS v1.9 Nulled – Learning Management System

Rocket LMS isn’t just another learning management system (LMS) – it’s a dynamic platform designed to revolutionize the way we teach and learn online. With its robust set of features and intuitive interface, Rocket LMS Nulled empowers instructors and organizations to create engaging and interactive learning experiences for students worldwide.

Introduction: In today’s digital age, the demand for online education is higher than ever before. Rocket LMS recognizes this growing need and offers a solution that combines cutting-edge technology with user-friendly design. Whether you’re a seasoned educator or an aspiring entrepreneur, Rocket LMS provides the tools you need to succeed in the competitive world of online education. From creating and selling courses to managing students and analytics, Rocket LMS streamlines the entire process, allowing you to focus on what you do best – teaching.

Overview: Rocket LMS is more than just a learning management system – it’s a comprehensive platform that caters to the diverse needs of educators and students alike. With its extensive range of features and customizable options, this PHP script adapts to your specific requirements, ensuring a seamless and personalized learning experience for all users. Whether you’re looking to create video courses, conduct live classes, or manage payments and subscriptions, Rocket LMS has you covered.


Rocket LMS is packed with a plethora of features designed to simplify the online education process and enhance the learning experience. Here are some of the key features:

Multiple Content Support:

The script supports various content types, including video courses, live classes, text-based courses, SCORM courses, and articles, providing flexibility and versatility for educators.

Single and Multiple Instructors:

Whether you’re running a solo operation or a multi-instructor marketplace, Rocket LMS caters to your needs, allowing for seamless collaboration and management.

Organizational Education:

With support for organizations and institutes, Rocket LMS enables you to define different prices and offerings for specific student groups, fostering collaboration and community.

Online Meetings:

In addition to educational materials, Rocket LMS allows instructors and organizations to sell online meetings, providing a platform for interactive learning and collaboration.

Payment Gateways:

With support for 36 payment gateways, including PayPal, Stripe, and Razorpay, Rocket LMS ensures secure and seamless transactions for users worldwide.

Social & SMS Login:

Users can log in to the system using social accounts or SMS authentication, enhancing security and convenience for users.

Subscription System:

Rocket LMS offers a subscription system that allows students to subscribe to courses, providing access to all platform content for a specific period.

Google Calendar Integration:

Integrated with Google Calendar, this script ensures that users never miss important events such as live classes and meetings.

Fully Customizable:

From content and design to colors and fonts, Rocket LMS is fully customizable, allowing you to tailor the platform to your brand and preferences.

Accounting System:

The script includes a built-in accounting system that provides transaction tracking, sales analysis, refunds, invoices, and more, streamlining financial management processes.

Shared Hosting Support:

With support for shared hosting, Rocket LMS eliminates the need for expensive VPS or dedicated servers, making it accessible to users with varying hosting requirements.


The script is multi-language and translatable, with support for all official currencies and RTL mode, ensuring accessibility for users worldwide.

Advanced Analytics:

The platform offers comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into student engagement, course performance, and revenue generation. Instructors and administrators can track key metrics such as enrollment rates, completion rates, and revenue trends, allowing them to make informed decisions and optimize their courses for maximum impact.

Interactive Assessments:

With Rocket LMS, instructors can create interactive assessments, including quizzes, assignments, and exams, to gauge student understanding and progress. The platform supports a variety of question types, including multiple-choice, true/false, and essay questions, as well as automated grading and feedback mechanisms.


To enhance student motivation and engagement, this script offers gamification features such as badges, leaderboards, and rewards systems. Instructors can award badges to students for completing courses or achieving certain milestones, while leaderboards encourage healthy competition among learners.

Discussion Forums:

The script includes built-in discussion forums where students can interact with instructors and peers, ask questions, and share ideas. These forums foster a sense of community and collaboration, enriching the learning experience and encouraging active participation.

Content Drip:

Instructors can schedule content drip, allowing them to release course materials gradually over time. This feature helps to keep students engaged and motivated by providing a structured learning experience and preventing information overload.


Rocket LMS offers white-labeling options, allowing instructors and organizations to brand the platform with their own logos, colors, and domain names. This customization ensures a seamless and cohesive experience for students and reinforces brand identity.

API Integration:

Rocket LMS supports API integration with third-party tools and services, allowing for seamless integration with existing systems and workflows. This flexibility enables instructors to leverage additional features and functionalities to enhance their courses and streamline their operations.

Accessibility Features:

The script is designed with accessibility in mind, with features such as screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, and adjustable font sizes and color contrasts. These accessibility features ensure that the platform is inclusive and accessible to users with diverse needs and preferences.

Security Measures:

Rocket LMS prioritizes the security of user data and transactions, with measures such as SSL encryption, two-factor authentication, and regular security audits. Instructors and students can rest assured knowing that their information is safe and protected.

Continuous Updates and Support:

The script is regularly updated with new features, enhancements, and bug fixes to ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction. In addition, the platform offers dedicated customer support and documentation to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter.

Conclusion: Rocket LMS – Empowering Online Education with Unmatched Versatility and Excellence

In conclusion, Rocket LMS Free Download stands out as a robust and feature-rich learning management system (LMS) that caters to the diverse needs of instructors, organizations, and students in the online education space. With its extensive array of features and plugins, Rocket LMS empowers users to create, deliver, and manage engaging and interactive courses with ease.

From multiple content support to advanced analytics and gamification, this script offers everything needed to create dynamic and effective learning experiences. The platform’s flexibility, customization options, and API integration enable seamless integration with existing workflows and third-party tools, while its commitment to accessibility and security ensures a safe and inclusive learning environment for all users.

Moreover, Rocket LMS’s dedication to continuous updates and support ensures that users have access to the latest features and assistance whenever needed. Whether you’re a single instructor looking to monetize your expertise or an organization seeking to deliver professional training programs, the script provides the tools and resources necessary to succeed in the online education market.

In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, Rocket LMS remains at the forefront of innovation, empowering educators and learners alike to thrive in the world of online learning. With its comprehensive suite of features and unwavering commitment to excellence, Rocket LMS is truly the ultimate solution for anyone looking to create, manage, and deliver exceptional online courses.


Version 1.9 – Release Date: 8 March 2024

New: Courses personal note (Plugin)
New: Drag-and-drop certificate builder (Plugin)
New: Cart discount (Plugin)
New: Abandoned cart (Plugin)
New: IP management (Plugin)
New: Sales pop-ups (Plugin)
New: 6 new payment gateways (Ipay88, Xendit, Paytabs, Paymob, Cintepay, TapPayment)
New: Permissions management for all user roles
New: Frontend coupon creation
New: Display coupons on the course page
New: Custom badges
New: Fake sales count
New: Related courses
New: Content removal request
New: Tag page
New: Learning page preview option
New: Display video on the profile page
New: Disable the registration verification process
New: Manual URL option for secure storage (
New: Credentials transferred from the env file to the admin panel
Improved: RTL problems in some pages
Improved Student user panel settings
Improved: Coupon creation form
Improved: App-only mode landing
Improved: Guarantee text
Improved: Upcoming course creation steps
Improved: Waitlist button status
Improved: Course support conversation status
Improved: Color settings
Improved: Blog categories translations
Fix: Free text lesson error
Fix: Payment gateway errors
Fix: SAAS plans error
Fix: Agora history list error
Fix: Category icon issue
Fix: Course items sorting issue
Fix: Date picker issue
Fix: Text-editor issue
Fix: Form submission error
Fix: Certificates list issue
Fix: Comments issue
and many more improvements and bug fixes...

Version 1.8 – Release Date: 18 September 2023

New: AI content generator
New: Form builder
New: Variable registration inputs
New: PHP 8.1 support
New: Laravel 9 update
New: New Zoom integration
New: Admin panel top navigation controls
New: Thumbnail images for sharing contents
New: Cashback for offline payments
Improved: Store feature
Improved: Installment purchases
Improved: Quizzes feature
Improved: Security aspects
Improved: Duplicate login integrated with Google authentication
Improved: Meeting booking time slot creation modal
Fix: Bundles discount badge display error
Fix: Online PDF viewer buttons problem
Fix: Multi-currency error on the checkout page
Fix: Bunny player full-screen error
Fix: Custom live sessions password error
Fix: Price display method (Tax Included) error
Fix: Point & rewards leaderboard problem
Fix: Top navigation menu problems on mobile devices
Fix: Store plugin search problem
Fix: Pricing plans error
Fix: Maintenace mode error
Fix: 24h time format problem
and many more improvements and bug fixes...


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