Smart School v7.0.0 Nulled – School Management System

Smart School School Management System Nulled is a modern and comprehensive solution designed to automate and streamline every aspect of school management. From student admission to exam results, fees collection to attendance tracking, Smart School offers a complete suite of tools and modules to meet the needs of educational institutions of all sizes. With 40+ modules and 8 inbuilt user panels, including roles such as Super Admin, Admin, Accountant, Teacher, Receptionist, Librarian, Parent, and Student, Smart School provides a centralized platform for efficient school management.

Overview: A Holistic Approach to School Management

Managing a school involves handling a multitude of tasks, from student admissions to maintaining attendance records, managing finances to communicating with stakeholders. Smart School simplifies these processes by offering a comprehensive and integrated platform.


Here’s an overview of the key features that make Smart School a complete school management solution:

Student Management:

  • Streamline student admissions with a powerful admission form that captures 40+ student records, including previous school details.
  • Maintain a 360-degree student profile with personal, contact, fees, exam, and document details.
  • Categorize students into class-sections based on various criteria such as caste, skill ability, etc.
  • Promote students to the next academic session based on pass/fail criteria.

Fees Collection:

  • Adopt any type of fees structure with advanced fees collection mechanisms.
  • Define fees types, groups, masters, due dates, fines, discounts, and allotments based on various criteria.
  • State-of-the-art fees collection page and various fees reports for transparency and efficiency.
  • Manage other school income and expenses head-wise with receipt uploads.

Attendance Management:

  • Smartly manage student attendance with easy-to-use features.
  • Generate attendance reports monthly, class-section wise for efficient tracking.

Examination Management:

  • Complete examination management from exam creation to schedule management to marks entry.
  • Generate progress reports with grades for comprehensive student assessment.

Class and Subject Management:

  • Manage classes, sections, subjects, teachers, and class timetables efficiently.
  • Assign subjects to teachers and create class schedules for better organization.

Library Management:

  • A complete library management system to add books, members, and track book issues and returns.
  • Ensure efficient management of library resources for students and teachers.

Transport and Hostel Management:

  • Manage school vehicles, routes, drivers’ details for transportation logistics.
  • Efficiently manage school hostels, rooms, and room types for residential students.

Communication and Notices:

  • Send messages and notices to students, parents, and teachers through the notice board.
  • Facilitate effective communication within the school community.

Reporting and Analytics:

  • Access various reports based on students, fees statements, transactions, attendance, and exams.
  • Make data-driven decisions with insights into school operations and performance.

Conclusion: Empower Your School with Smart School Management System

In conclusion, Smart School Management System Free Download offers a comprehensive and integrated solution to streamline school operations and enhance efficiency. With its wide range of modules and features, Smart School empowers educational institutions to manage student data, fees collection, attendance tracking, examinations, library resources, transportation, hostel facilities, communication, and reporting seamlessly. Whether you’re a school administrator, teacher, accountant, or parent, Smart School provides a user-friendly platform to enhance collaboration and transparency. Embrace the future of school management with Smart School and transform your educational institution into a well-organized, efficient, and student-centric learning environment.


Version 7.0.0 – Released Date: 9 January, 2024

General Changes 

  • Whole system updated for PHP version 8.1 and PHP 7.x is now not supported
  • Whole system updated for Codeigniter 3 latest version 3.1.13
  • Updated Edit and Delete timetable
  • Student information student list Roll no. added
  • Collect fees student mobile no added
  • Front site at exam result page student class section added
  • Dashboard graph transport fees added
  • Student and Staff attendance, date and source column added
  • Class and Teacher timetable, print added

Feature Enhancement

  • Added support for QR / Barcode auto attendance addon
  • ID Card scan code QR / Barcode added
  • Edit radio button to set attendance for all as for Student and Staff
  • Student and Staff day wise attendance report added
  • Added display button to show hosting PHP environment info

Bug Fixes

  • Copying old lessons and topics creates a new lesson for every topics
  • Edit student if hostel module disable so fees part not showing
  • Mobile view dashboard search student not showing
  • Fees collection report search by group amount bug
  • Quick search link attendance module all links showing bug
  • Daily collection report amount sorting issue in other currency (lbp)
  • Single page print issue
  • Student profile report admission date and measurement date null issue
  • In system field if Student Photo disabled then at student panel topbar student image display issue
  • Evaluate homework uploaded documents issue
  • In teacher-restricted mode exam subject issue
  • If a student remains absent for the current examination and the results are published, rank generated display incorrectly
  • While taking an exam print, print page open in new tab issue
  • Print issues in chrome
  • Front site responsive design issues
  • Fixed many design issues
  • Fixed many RTL related issues


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