WhatsBox v3.0 Nulled The WhatsApp Marketing – Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS

Introducing WhatsBox Nulled: Revolutionizing WhatsApp Marketing and Client Interaction

Revolutionary tools in the digital marketing realm have continuously evolved to meet the dynamic demands of businesses worldwide. In this digital age, where communication is key to success, platforms like WhatsApp have become integral for businesses to engage with their audience effectively. Enter WhatsBox – The WhatsApp Marketing – Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS, a groundbreaking script designed to streamline WhatsApp marketing, enhance customer support, and automate interactions through reply bots.

Overview: WhatsBox is not just another marketing tool; it’s a comprehensive solution that empowers businesses to harness the power of WhatsApp for their marketing and customer service needs. With its wide array of features, WhatsBox simplifies the process of reaching out to customers, managing conversations, and automating responses, thereby saving time and resources while maximizing engagement and conversion rates.


WhatsApp Marketing Automation:

WhatsBox allows businesses to automate their WhatsApp marketing efforts, enabling them to send bulk messages to their contacts with ease. Whether it’s promotional offers, product updates, or event reminders, you can reach your audience directly on their preferred messaging platform, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

Chat Management:

With WhatsBox, managing conversations on WhatsApp becomes effortless. The intuitive interface allows users to organize chats, prioritize conversations, and respond to queries promptly. Whether you’re handling customer inquiries, providing support, or closing sales, WhatsBox streamlines the communication process, ensuring a seamless experience for both businesses and customers.

Reply Bots:

One of the standout features of WhatsBox is its reply bots, which enable businesses to automate responses to frequently asked questions and common queries. By setting up predefined responses, businesses can provide instant answers to customer inquiries, even when they’re not available, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing response times.

Bulk Sender:

Sending personalized messages to a large number of contacts has never been easier with WhatsBox’s bulk sender feature. Whether you’re promoting a new product, announcing a special offer, or inviting customers to an event, you can tailor your messages and send them to multiple recipients simultaneously, saving time and effort while maintaining a personalized touch.

SaaS (Software as a Service):

WhatsBox operates on the SaaS model, offering businesses a scalable and cost-effective solution for their WhatsApp marketing needs. With no installation or maintenance required, businesses can access WhatsBox’s features through a web-based platform, making it convenient and accessible from anywhere, anytime.

Customization Options:

WhatsBox provides extensive customization options, allowing businesses to tailor the platform to their specific requirements. From branding and messaging to bot responses and automation rules, businesses have full control over how they engage with their audience on WhatsApp, ensuring a consistent and personalized experience for their customers.

Analytics and Reporting:

Gain valuable insights into your WhatsApp marketing efforts with WhatsBox’s analytics and reporting features. Track metrics such as message delivery rates, open rates, and response times to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make informed decisions to optimize your marketing strategies.

Integration with CRM Systems:

WhatsBox seamlessly integrates with popular CRM systems, allowing businesses to synchronize customer data and streamline their marketing and sales processes. By centralizing customer information and communication channels, businesses can provide personalized experiences and drive better results.

Multi-language Support:

Reach a global audience with WhatsBox’s multi-language support feature. Whether you’re targeting customers in different regions or catering to a diverse audience, WhatsBox allows you to communicate with them in their preferred language, enhancing engagement and fostering stronger relationships.

Scheduled Messaging:

Plan your WhatsApp campaigns in advance with WhatsBox’s scheduled messaging feature. Whether you want to send out reminders, greetings, or promotional messages, you can schedule them to be delivered at the optimal time, ensuring maximum impact and response rates.

Why Choose WhatsBox?

  • Comprehensive Solution: WhatsBox offers a complete suite of features for WhatsApp marketing, chat management, and automation, eliminating the need for multiple tools and simplifying your workflow.
  • Ease of Use: With its intuitive interface and user-friendly design, WhatsBox is easy to navigate and requires minimal training, allowing you to get started quickly and focus on your marketing goals.
  • Cost-effective: As a SaaS solution, WhatsBox offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional marketing methods, with flexible pricing plans to suit businesses of all sizes and budgets.
  • Reliable Support: WhatsBox is backed by a dedicated support team that is committed to providing timely assistance and resolving any issues or queries you may have, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience.
  • Continuous Updates: With regular updates and enhancements, WhatsBox stays ahead of the curve, incorporating new features and improvements to keep your WhatsApp marketing efforts fresh and effective.

Conclusion: WhatsBox – Revolutionizing WhatsApp Marketing for Businesses

WhatsBox – The WhatsApp Marketing – Bulk Sender, Chat, Bots, SaaS – is a game-changer for businesses looking to leverage the power of WhatsApp for their marketing and customer service initiatives. With its innovative features, user-friendly interface, and scalability, WhatsBox empowers businesses of all sizes to connect with their audience, automate interactions, and drive results.

Whether you’re a small business looking to expand your reach, an e-commerce store aiming to boost sales, or a marketing agency seeking to streamline client communication, WhatsBox provides the tools you need to succeed in today’s competitive landscape. So why wait? Embrace the future of WhatsApp marketing with WhatsBox and take your business to new heights.


v3.0 17 Jun 2024

- [ ] Translation on messages 2Ways ( Free Module )
- [ ] WhatsApp Chat Widget ( Free Module )
- [ ] Flow Maker ( Free Module )
- [ ] Template manager
- [ ] Show who sends the messages, owner, agent1,agent2
- [ ] Capture the user's phone on the register
- [ ] Stop promotions - button click
- [ ] Bot handoff whenever the user uses some of these keywords like Talk to Agent,
- [ ] API - Protect with plan check
- [ ] Better wording when 24 hours passes
- [ ] 2FA Email
- [ ] add functionality to remove the contacts who opt out
- [ ] Don’t allow 100%+ https://share.cleanshot.com/RQBYnlk8
- [ ] Accept Privacy and terms on the register
- [ ] Don’t allow inactive accounts to login

v2.1 - 19.03.2024

Modules impacted
All moduled

v2.x Changed core files

[x] New update method
[x] Apps for clients
[x] Pause scheduled campaigns
[x] Campaigns reports
[x] Welcome bot
[x] CTA - URL Buttons
[x] API - send buttons
[x] API - Campaign API
[x] (Option) Show only assigned chat to agents
[x] Deleted agents continue to appear in the chat to assign, it is not updated.
[x] Modules - new version is not shows - download new update
[x] Agents issues
[x] Error on sending scheduled campaigns
[x] Bot -the user has to manually type it to trigger the 'wow' reply. ( not via button click )
[x] Bot - pause / Delete
[x] Testimonial edit name


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