WoWonder v4.3.4 Nulled – The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform

Welcome to the world of WoWonder – The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform Nulled, a revolutionary solution designed to redefine the way we connect and engage in the digital realm. This robust and feature-rich social networking platform, available on Codecanyon, empowers individuals and businesses to create their own dynamic and interactive social networks. As we delve into the realms of social interaction and digital connectivity, let’s explore the essence of WoWonder, its key features, and why it stands out as the ultimate choice for those seeking a powerful and customizable social networking solution.

WoWonder transcends the traditional concept of social networking platforms. It isn’t just a tool; it’s a comprehensive PHP-based platform crafted to cater to the diverse needs of users in the digital age. Boasting a multitude of features and capabilities, the platform provides a versatile canvas for individuals, communities, and businesses to paint their unique online social experiences. From its intuitive user interface to its scalability, WoWonder sets the stage for a new era of social networking.


1. Real-Time Communication

WoWonder facilitates real-time communication, allowing users to connect instantly through messages, voice notes, and video calls, fostering a dynamic and engaging social experience.

2. News Feed

The platform incorporates a robust news feed feature, ensuring that users stay updated with the latest posts, activities, and interactions within their social circles.

3. User Engagement Tools

WoWonder provides an array of user engagement tools, including likes, comments, and sharing functionalities, enhancing the interactivity and vibrancy of the social network.

4. Multi-Media Support

Users can seamlessly share multimedia content, including photos, videos, and audio files, enabling a rich and diverse content-sharing experience.

5. Privacy Controls

With a focus on user privacy, WoWonder Nulled offers comprehensive privacy controls, allowing users to customize the visibility of their profiles, posts, and interactions.

6. Monetization Opportunities

For businesses and entrepreneurs, WoWonder presents monetization options through features like ads, sponsored posts, and premium memberships, providing opportunities for revenue generation.

7. Responsive Design

WoWonder is built with a responsive design, ensuring a seamless and consistent user experience across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

8. Extensive Admin Panel

The platform comes with a powerful admin panel that empowers administrators to manage users, content, and settings efficiently, ensuring a well-maintained and organized social network.

9. Social Authentication

WoWonder supports social authentication, allowing users to sign in using their existing social media accounts, simplifying the registration process and encouraging user participation.

10. Customization Options

One of WoWonder’s standout features is its customization options. Users and administrators can tailor the platform to suit their branding, preferences, and specific community needs.

Why You Should Use WoWonder

1. Scalability

WoWonder is highly scalable, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from small communities to large-scale social networking platforms.

2. Feature-Rich Platform

With a plethora of features, The PHP script provides a comprehensive solution that caters to various user preferences and requirements, ensuring a well-rounded social networking experience.

3. User-Friendly Interface

The intuitive and user-friendly interface of WoWonder makes it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise, promoting inclusivity and widespread adoption.

4. Community Building

This PHP script isn’t just a platform; it’s a catalyst for community building. Whether you’re creating a network for friends, colleagues, or a specific interest group, WoWonder fosters connections and interactions.

5. Security and Privacy

The platform prioritizes the security and privacy of its users, offering robust tools and features to safeguard personal information and ensure a secure online environment.

Conclusion: Ignite Your Digital Community with WoWonder – The Pinnacle of Social Networking Excellence

In conclusion, WoWonder – The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform Free Download is more than a software solution; it’s a gateway to a dynamic, engaging, and interconnected online social experience. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to create a niche community or an organization aiming to foster internal communication, WoWonder provides the tools, features, and scalability needed for success. The platform’s commitment to real-time communication, user engagement, privacy controls, and customization options sets it apart as the ultimate choice in the realm of PHP-based social networking solutions.

As you embark on your journey to create a vibrant and thriving online community, consider WoWonder as your go-to platform. Elevate your social networking experience, empower your users, and unleash the potential of digital connectivity with This PHP script. Explore WoWonder Now and witness the transformation of your vision into a dynamic and interactive online social space.



FIXED audio upload & sharing from admin panel if disabled, voice messages cannot be sent to users from the chat system.
FIXED featured posts are disabled, pro members still gain the "featured post" privilege.
FIXED when creating an advertisement in the audience section, if nothing is selected, there is an inscription: "nothing selected."
FIXED event dates is not correct on sunshine theme.
FIXED image rotation is not working correctly when you upload an image.
FIXED br is added automatically when adding a new custom page, which causes issues.
FIXED posting to friend timeline was not working.
FIXED the "load more" button in the "pastevent" page in event system was not working.
FIXED disabling monetization does not remove the subscription link from the logged-in user dropdown menu.
FIXED if you edit blogs, it deletes "é," "á," "í," "ó" characters.
FIXED the decimal point of the commodity amount in "market" was wrong.
FIXED if a blog was approved from admin side, the money and points were not being credited to the user.
FIXED sometimes uploading .docx doesn't work.
FIXED if the user cancels a transaction, it was going to oops page instead of the wallet page.
FIXED no one can see the comments added to reels.
FIXED when viewing the reels, you cannot see who added the reels; only the photo in a circle.
FIXED in the instagram mode version, there was no reels.
FIXED load more for reels in profile not work.
FIXED login system had some issues.
FIXED cashfree payment method required updating.
FIXED login with wordpress was not working.
FIXED ig mode sometimes can't be activated.
FIXED 10+ api-related issues.
FIXED 34 other minor bugs in code and design.


IMPROVED speed again after v4.3 update.
FIXED smtp related issues.
FIXED API related issues.
FIXED 5 other minor bugs.


IMPROVED speed after v4.3 update.
IMPROVED speed of search system in admin panel.
UPDATED few sections in sunshine theme (design).
FIXED add account page broken on both themes.
FIXED sometimes reels not loading more than 6 videos.
FIXED social login system.
FIXED showing dublicated transactions in wallet page.
FIXED if a feature is turned off, it is still showing in directory page.
FIXED comment section not showing in watch page.
FIXED video playing in background instead of lightbox in watch page.
FIXED sometimes photos were showing in watch page.
FIXED 10 other minor bugs.


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