Cariera (v1.8.5) Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled

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    • Create Date August 16, 2024
    • Last Updated November 6, 2024

    Cariera (v1.8.5) Job Board WordPress Theme Nulled

    Ver. 1.8.5 – 31.10.2024
    - Cariera Welcome:
    - "Refresh plugin URLs" ajax response will be shown in a popup
    - AJAX Response in popup when plugins fail to install
    - WPJM Field Editor:
    - Single Resume title output for WPJM Field Editor
    - Single Company title output for WPJM Field Editor
    - "Debug Log" option to view the debug log in the backend (if debug is enabled in wp-config)
    - Cleanup Database feature in "Cariera -> Migrations" 
    - Main Font has been switched from "Varela" to "Poppins" 
    - "Verify" permission to the Envato Token link
    - Some basic styling option for Listing Tab Search element
    - Option to enable/disable resume rates
    - Cariera -> Welcome -> Plugins notice message
    - Font Icon Picker:
    - WP Menu can not be saved before all icons get loaded
    - There is an indication when icons are being loaded
    - Font icon picker works on newly added menu items (without having to refresh the page)
    - Cariera Settings uses seperated assets
    - User Dashboard "Active packages":
    - Show only 3 packages max
    - If more than 3 "view all active packages" button will be shown
    - Cariera plugin installation
    - Envato API error response shows in the popup now
    - Backend JS common functionality handling
    - Single Resume V3 social media buttons UI
    - Reduced html markup on page header sections
    - Font weight inconsistencies throughout the theme
    - Design inconsistencies on some elements
    - Cariera Core deactivation issue
    - Some emails not being sent
    - Plugin installation not working when plugin tab is not the first loaded
    - "Slider not found" issue when importing
    - Small UI issue when deleting conversation
    - Notification UI issue
    - Collapsed dashboard menu when custom menu has been assigned
    - Small UI issue on dashboard menu collapsed
    - Small UI issue with job quick view
    - Empty "Listing Location" on single listing v2 & v3 when listing doesn't have geocoding
    - Job dashboard title when cariera company manager is disabled
    - Some demu UI issues
    - Language .POT file
    - Cariera Dashboard: hide menu items customizer options 
    Ver. 1.8.4 – 07.10.2024
    - * Envato API Integration:
    - Automatic updates (API Token required)
    - Envato API connection for testing via AJAX
    - Check for new update via AJAX (if API Token & Purchase code are valid)
    - Update check in Cariera Welcome & Settings page
    - * Cariera Core Settings:
    - Save via AJAX (without page reload)
    - Pull settings via AJAX (reduce 100 additional request on load)
    - Success & error popup messages
    - Exandable to other plugins such as (Cariera Events)
    - Webhook ajax error handling
    - * Dashboard menu can be fully customized via WP Menus now
    - WPJM S&F support for dynamic split view
    - Listing search keyword autocomplete for all listing types (via elementor element) 
    - Each notification has classes based on the action now
    - Font Icon Picker:
    - WP Menus support
    - AJAX handling (major performance improvements in WP Menus)
    - WPJM Packages support in the "User Packages" page
    - "View job statistics" notice when hovering job title in the dashboard
    - Job grid 4 shows "no job type" if job type is empty
    - Cariera Core Settings:
    - General handling
    - Major performance improvements
    - Maps:
    - Overall map js improvements
    - Map performance due to updated dependencies
    - Lazy load on some cases
    - Errors handling when geolocate doesn't work
    - Email handling has been refactored
    - Listing search keyword autocomplete handling & performance
    - Listing submitted design
    - Cariera settings icons (doesn't load whole icon library anymore)
    - Overall font icon picker handling
    - Webhook:
    - General handling
    - Switch from cURL to wp_remote_post()
    - Cariera Welcome Page:
    - General UI
    - Page performance
    - Uses vue.js instead of jQuery now
    - Overall AJAX security
    - User packages page will work when WC Paid Listings or WPJM Packages is active
    - Active packages in dashboard will show when WC Paid Listings or WPJM Packages is active
    - Split view search cropped when admin bar is active
    - Select2 fields not getting initialized on Elementor page edit
    - Libraries: Leaflet 1.7.1 -> 1.9.4
    - Libraries: leaflet-control-geocoder 2.1.0 -> 2.4.0
    - Libraries: leaflet.gridlayer.googlemutant 0.13.5 -> 0.14.1
    - Libraries: Isotope 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
    - Libraries: Rangeslider.js 2.3.2 -> 2.3.3
    - Envato Market plugin as a required plugin
    - Customizer option "cariera_job_ajax_search" 
    - jquery-inview library (handled via native js now)
    - jquery.cookie library (handld via native js now)
    - Listing search form redundant css (.listing-search-form is main target now)
    Ver. 1.8.3 – 10.09.2024
    - * Dynamic listing split-view feature
    - Migration page under "WP Dashboard -> Cariera" if migration option is enabled
    - * Migration option: Calculate "active company jobs" 
    - * Migration option: Generate geolocation data
    - * Notifications: Load more notifications
    - Notifications on different post status changes
    - * Company select ajax loading
    - Submit company visibility option
    - New Applications in dashboard redirect to job applications now
    - Open application modal via "job_url/#job-popup" link
    - Click to open register popup directly (doc article)
    - Select/deselect all plugins in "Cariera -> Welcome -> Plugins" 
    - Location structed data in structured data (schema)
    - * Refactored Notification system
    - Notification system can now be expandable via third-party plugins
    - Select company does not load all company names on page load (only via select2 search for better performance)
    - Company visibility feature enhanced
    - Radius search handling
    - Font icons better handling
    - Email settings are hidden if the specific email has been disabled
    - Cariera settings text editor improvements
    - Cariera Welcome header is now sticky
    - Login & Register popup handling
    - Security strengthened
    - General migration handling
    - General CSS
    - Dynamic CSS handling & minified delievery
    - Location autocomplete API requests
    - Geolocate feature and performance
    - Lazy load maps on single listings
    - Missing lineawesome icons from the backend icon selection
    - PHP Issue when user register via the mobile app
    - Instances where autolocation is not working via Google API
    - Language .POT file


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